Cartwright, R., Venema, A., Hernandez, V., Wyels, C., Cesere, J., & Cesere, D. 2019. Fluctuating reproductive rates in Hawaii's humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, reflect recent climate anomalies in the North Pacific. Royal Society Open Science, 6(3), 181463.
Cartwright, R., Newton, C., West, K.M., Rice, J., Niemeyer, M., Burek, K., Wilson, A., Wall, A.N., Remonida-Bennett, J., Tejeda, A. & Messi, S. 2016. Tracking the development of muscular myoglobin stores in mysticete calves. PloS one, 11(1).
Cartwright, R., Gillespie, B., LaBonte, K., Mangold, T., Venema, A., Eden, K. & Sullivan, M. 2012. Between a rock and a hard place: habitat selection in female-calf humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) pairs on their Hawaiian breeding grounds. PloS one, 7(5).
Cartwright, R. & Sullivan, M. 2009. Behavioral ontogeny in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) calves during their residence in Hawaiian waters. Marine Mammal Science, 25 (3), 659-680.
Cartwright, R. & Sullivan, M. 2009. Associations with multiple male groups increase the energy expenditure of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) female and calf pairs on the breeding grounds. Behaviour, 146 (11), 1573-1600.
​Manuscripts in Preparation:
Cartwright, R., Dempster, C., Garlington, S., Jaeger, A & Yarborough, S. The lean years: Gender-specific differences in inter-annual variability in body condition in Hawaii’s humpback whales. Planned submission date: 12/2022. Target journal; Global Change Biology.
​Selected Conference Presentation (2010-present):
(* undergraduate student authors)
Cartwright, R., *Dempster, C., Garlington, s. & *Yarborough, S. 2019. Gender-based differences in body condition in humpback whales on the Hawaiian breeding grounds during a period of fluctuating encounter rates. 2019. 23rd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Barcelona, Spain.
*Dempster, C., Cartwright, R., Garlington, S., Jaeger, A. & * Yarborough, S. 2019. Regional variations in calf growth rates across humpback whale breeding grounds. 23rd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Barcelona, Spain.
Cartwright, R., *Sevier, N,. *Martinez De Murga, A. & Daly, J. 2017. A bird’s eye view; using small UAV’s to capture behavior and monitor body condition in Hawaii’s humpback whales. 22nd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
*Yarborough, S., *Mendez-Bye, A., Wyels, C. & Cartwright, R. 2017. A photogrammetric protocol for measuring whale length in situ. 22nd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
*Martinez De Murga, A., *Mendez-Bye, A., & Cartwright, R. 2017. Aerial observations of nursing behavior in Hawaii’s humpback whales. 22nd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
*Scrivano, S., *Thompson, T., *Mendez-Bye, A., Wyels, C. & Cartwright, R. 2017. When favored areas overlap; evaluating the impact of whale watching within critical humpback whale breeding habitat. 22nd International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Cartwright, R., Newton, C., Sackerson, C., West, K.M., Rice, J., Niemeyer, M. and Burek-Huntingdon, K. 2015. Leaping high to dive deep; exploring the link between high energy surface activity and the development of the respiratory capacity in baleen whales. 21st International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, San Francisco, California.
*Rodriguez, J., *Lopez, S., *Messi, S., *Marcial-Hernandez, L. and Cartwright, R. 2015. Documenting developmental changes in muscle tissue in young baleen whales. 21st International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, San Francisco, California.
*Scrivano, S., *Miller, M., *Bednar, S. and Cartwright, R. 2015. Habitat use as a function of humpback calf age and behavior. 21st International Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Society of Marine Mammalogy, San Francisco, California.
*Grundy, J., * House, D., Pearson, H. and Cartwright, R. 2012. Comparing Humpback Whale Group Dynamics between the Feeding and Breeding Grounds to Create Connectivity in Research, Education, and Conservation. 13th Biennial Conference of the American Cetacean Society Conference, San Diego, California.
*Rodriguez, J., *Zumbrunn, A., *Tejeda, A and Cartwright, R. 2011 Respiratory constraints on dive times in baleen whale calves. Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Scientists, Camarillo, California.
​Cartwright, R., B. Gillespie, K. LaBonte and *H. Martin. 2011. Current trends in habitat preference in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) female-calf pairs within Hawaiian waters. 18th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society Conference, Waikaloa, Hawaii.
​Selected Recent Media Coverage:
National Geographic: Mysterious ocean ‘blob’ may have led to fewer baby whales. Posted 3/20/19
NMS, NOAA: Humpback whales are navigating an ocean of change. Posted 9/10/18
Fox Family: Awesome Planet. Animal migrations with host Philippe Cousteau. Aired 10/9/16.
CBC: Quirks and Quarks with Jim McDonald: Bouncing baby whales. Aired 2/26/16.
KEYT TV: Solving the mystery of why whales breach. News story–Aired 1/20/16
New York Times: Scientists in the Field. Bi-monthly online column. Posted 1-4/2013.
Community Outreach Presentations:
Body condition as a health indicator in Maui’s humpback whale mother and calf populations.
National Marine Sanctuary Speaker Series, Sanctuary headquarters, Kihei, Hawaii. (3/25/18)
A bird’s eye view: Aerial observations of unusual behaviors in Hawaii’s humpback whales.
Whale’s Tales Expo, Maui, HI (2/22/17)
Humpback whales; gentle giants of the Pacific
Inaugural presentation, Provost’s speaker series, Channel Islands Boat Center, Oxnard, CA (10/19/16)
New insights into the behavior and development of humpback whale calves in Maui waters
Whale’s Tales Expo, Maui, HI (2/14/15)
Life’s a breach; the key role of exercise in the growth and development of humpback whale calves.
National Marine Sanctuary Speaker Series, Sanctuary headquarters, Kihei, Hawaii. (3/20/13)
Every Calf Counts: How Hawaii's humpback whale mother and calf pairs are responding to the challenges of our changing climate. Watch Webinar. National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series.